Monday, October 26, 2009

The overwhelming power of music

Here are the lyrics to the song I've been listening to for the past...3 hours now? It'll be longer by the time I actually post this.

Drugs or Me
by Jimmy Eat World

Stay with me
You're the one that I need
You make the hardest things
Seem easy
Keep my heart
Somewhere drugs don't go
Where the sunshine slows
Always keep me close

If only you could see
The stranger next to me
You promise, you promise, that you're done
But I can't tell you from the drugs

Don't let go
We'll dig a great big hole
Down an endless hole
We'll both go
You're so blind
You can't save me this time
Hope comes from inside
And I feel so low tonight

If only you could see
The stranger next to me
You promise, you promise, that you're done
But I can't tell you from the drugs

I wish that you could see
This face in front of me
You're sorry, you swear it, you're done
But I can't tell you from the drugs

(Take me)
I need your hands
(So far)
To pull me up
Take the wheel
(Take me)
Out from me
(So far)
Out from me

If only you could see
(I need your hands)
The stranger next to me
(To pull me up)
You promise, you promise, that you're done
(Take the wheel out from me)
But I can't tell you from the drugs
(Take the wheel out from me)

I wish that you could see
(I need your hands)
This face in front of me
(To pull me up)
You're sorry, you swear it, you're done
(Take the wheel out from me)
But I can't tell you from the drugs

Keep my heart
Somewhere drugs don't go
Where the sunshine slows
Always keep me close

Click here for a link to the song on YouTube

The band Styrofoam also made a remix of this song, and I've been going back and forth between the versions. Roughly 2 hours into my obsessive listening, while mindlessly gathering my daffodils on FarmVille, I started crying. Hard.

Jason was probably the first person to point out to me how delayed my reactions are, as a general rule. You were right, JJ. I was so relieved to be safe and away from the hell we were living in for so long, it took me over 2 months to miss you.


Yes, I swore. That will happen occasionally, although not nearly as much as in years past. Deal with it.

I've been hearing from so many people that I'm doing so great, they can't believe how great I'm doing, etc. People who aren't in the middle of something equally as painful as divorce and have nothing to compare to this shitstorm, seem happily surprised that I'm moving forward and getting my life back on track. I've regained my spark and passion for life, and they're all so excited. Those who ARE going through something similar, seem surprised, yes, but almost shocked, or maybe even a bit resentful that I can take something this huge in stride so easily.

Have no fear, people - I'm just a bit slow. I'm not sure if I've always been this way or if it's a defense mechanism I've learned after being burned as many times as there are stars in the Universe. This is what scares me about myself. How can I trick myself so thoroughly, that I'm not even aware that I have these stupid walls up and they're keeping me from feeling the pain all at once? Even though I am aware that I've built walls in the past, once again, I'm totally blindsided by the fact that they're still there. It has to be a self-defense tactic, right? If it all rushed in at once, I may just flip that switch permanently and never return to any semblance of sanity. Or I might just kill myself and be done with it.

No worries - I'm not at all suicidal right now. Not even thinking along those lines. I DO have these walls built, specially designed to only let the agony within the world in in manageable chunks.

I guess the reason that this song got to me so deeply is because "I can't tell you from the drugs". When I met Jason, he wasn't on drugs. Neither was I. By the end, I couldn't see his soul any more. I don't remember the last time the real Jason came out with me. He could probably say the same thing about me. Those lines between the drugs and my genuine self were awfully blurred. I don't remember the date I last used anything other than alcohol, which I don't actually have an issue with. I have zero problems stopping the drinks once they start, and I'm perfectly comfortable not drinking around those who are. The drugs though? I don't stand a chance against them. This theory has been thoroughly tested by me, and I finally figured it out. Better late than never I guess. I should've perhaps known right away, because the reason I loved drugs so much is because they were stronger than my mind, and my mind is exhausting. It NEVER SHUTS UP. Anyway, I've been clean for probably about 3 months now. It's a good start, and I have zero worries that I'll go back into that life. I don't want to even tempt it anymore, because I never ever come out unscathed. So - never offer me drugs. Especially not pot, because it was my all-time favorite, and it's the only thing I really miss. Should you offer me my drug of choice, we shall cease to be friends immediately, because that's just cruel. Fair warning.

Within probably the first week of dating, Jason & I dumped all our "red flags" out on the table, ready for the other to bolt. Neither of us did. And we both have some pretty big red flags. I guess I fell in love with J because he's the first human being that I ever showed all the ugly layers of myself to, and when I'd let him in on another secret that I found to be completely unacceptable, he only seemed to hold me tighter, like he only loved me more because I'm not perfect. He accepted me. I never thought that was possible.

Maybe it isn't.

Maybe it wasn't real love after all. God, that hurts.

How different would my life be right now if I had never tried drugs? If I hadn't tried to self-medicate for so many years? If someone would've figured out what was chemically wrong with my brain years earlier? If Jason & I had kept that initial promise to each other that we wouldn't go there together? I would be different, no doubt. I don't know if that would be a good or a bad thing. Really, it doesn't matter - that's part of my past and there's no point in worrying about it now.

I know I'm not the only person who feels completely and utterly unloveable, which is sad. It is actually better for me now than it ever has been in the past, though. At least now I get moments, minutes even, where I'm at peace and I know that isn't true, because I do love myself. I'm counting on this process to get easier over time and with practice because my first 30 years almost killed me - many, many, many times over. What really makes my heart ache right now is knowing that each person has to figure out their own truths, and no matter how much I suffer, no matter how well I'm able to tell others what I've learned (if I can even DO that well), they still have to figure it out firsthand, or it won't be their knowledge.

That's partly why I left Jason. My best girl, Ro, was absolutely right when she told me that probably the most loving thing I ever did for him was to let him hit rock bottom and wake up. Learn whatever life is trying to teach him, instead of keeping him comfortably miserable, hovering near the bottom but never actually slamming into it. I wasn't able to save anyone else, even the man that I loved. God dammit I tried. I tried so hard. I tried so hard, I almost lost myself completely.

Fuck. And I have no wise words or clever conclusions tonight. It just hurts right now. But, in the immortal words of John J. Nelson, my Gran'pa, "This too shall pass". I'm banking on it.




  1. I will always be here...
    and do know I am holding you from far far away, it is not the distance but the intensity that matters and is that which actually manages to travel faster than light...
    I Love You
    your Ro!

  2. I love you too, Roita. :) I was very confused when I saw the KJB - I get the K, but J & B? Those aren't your initials....

    Anyway - long-distance hugs will certainly do for now. :) Just think - in a few years, we'll get several months together, hiking the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu! How exciting!
